• Bug Sweeps

  • Electric Surveillance

    One of the main tools for most professions is technology this is no different for a Bug Sweep Technician.  We have the best surveillance devices on the market today allowing us to perform even the most sophisticated of private investigations.  In our up and coming weekly blog we will

    Hidden Camera Detection & Tapped Phones

    With our low frequency scanning technology we can find the smallest of covert devices.  If there is a hidden camera compromising your security it is likely we can pinpoint where the device is hidden.

    Ethical Hacking

    The founder of our company has over 20 years of Computer Security experience and is a Certified Ethical Hacker.  If you feel that your business network could fall prey to hackers then give us a call and our skilled penetration testers will harden your network so your data does not fall into the wrong hands.  We all have often heard the sane the best defense is a good offense.  This definitely holds true in areas of Information Security.  We understand and know the ways a hacker will use to penetrate a network and can circumvent these countermeasures allowing you to have peace of mind that your data won't end up in the wrong hands.

    Computer Forensics

    We have cutting edge forensic technology to run ediscovery on hard disk and other storage media.  Whether you have lost important files that need recovering or need a full ediscovery report ran on a system we can help!  Deleted files are no match for us what people often forget is more times often than not the data still exist on the hard drive.  Often times though recovery is a time sensitive manner especially when a hard drive is in current use.


    Sky Investigations, LLC.
    Agency LicenseTexas PI License no. A19965


    I. The Parties. This Service Contract (“Agreement”) made   (“Effective Date”), is by and between:

    Agency: Sky Investigations LLC (“AGENCY”),


    Client: , with a service address of  , , (“CLIENT”).

    AGENCY and CLIENT are each referred to herein as a “Party” and, collectively, as the "Parties."

    NOW, THEREFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual promises and agreements contained herein, the CLIENT hires the AGENCY to work under the terms and conditions hereby agreed upon by the Parties:

    II. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on and terminate: This Agreement will terminate after the AGENCY has rendered services at the address specified.

    III. The Service. The AGENCY agrees to provide the following: Bug Sweep and/or Technical Counter Surveillance Measures

    Hereinafter known as the “Service”.

    AGENCY shall provide, while performing the Service, that he/she/they shall comply with the policies, standards, and regulations of the CLIENT, including local, State, and Federal laws and to the best of their abilities.

    The AGENCY agrees to provide the Service at the at the CLIENT'S address mentioned in Section I.

    IV. Payment Amount. The CLIENT agrees to pay the AGENCY $800.00 as a flat fee for performing the Service to the CLIENT.

    Hereinafter known as the “Payment Amount”.

    V. Payment Method. The CLIENT shall pay the Payment Amount The Client is to pay 100% upfront prior to services being rendered.

    Hereinafter known as the “Payment Method”. The Payment Amount and Payment Method collectively shall be referred to as “Compensation”.

    VI. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws in the State of Texas.

    VII. Additional Terms & Conditions. CLIENT expressly acknowledges that AGENCY’S fees for services are NOT contingent on the outcome or results of the above referenced investigation.


    No illegal or unethical services will be knowingly provided by AGENCY and CLIENT certifies that he/she/it is not knowingly requesting any illegal services. AGENCY reserves the right to decline or terminate without advance notice any assignment it deems to be illegal or unethical or in AGENCY’s sole opinion detrimental to AGENCY. AGENCY will perform services in compliance with all state and federal laws, regulations and best practices.


    VII. Accuracy of Information Sources. Database search reports are performed strictly by the information provided on the subject by the CLIENT. Any error in spelling, format or sequence of letters, words or numbers can result in wrong information on the subject. Data is supplied from different private sources, computer systems, public information facilities, government open record institutions and might also contain confidential source information. All attempts are made to maintain the integrity of this data. AGENCY cannot be held liable for inaccuracies contained in public record information or databases accessed. Furthermore, information has been gathered from sources and individuals deemed reliable by AGENCY; however, no guarantee, warranty, or other representation is made as to the accuracy of information received from third parties, or its suitability for any particular purpose. If the information reported is not “Original Source” information, it is strongly recommended that any information gathered be cross-referenced with “Original Source” information.

    VIII. Responsible use of Information. AGENCY is NOT a consumer reporting AGENCY. AGENCY promotes the responsible use of the information that it provides and reserves the right to withhold information for which AGENCY deems is outside the scope of a permissible purpose or otherwise defined by state and federal law and/or regulation. "Confidential Information" shall not include such information as is or becomes part of the public domain through no action of AGENCY. The CLIENT is responsible to safeguard the information provided from unauthorized third party disclosure as defined by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA), Drivers Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) and Right to Financial Privacy Act (RFPA) and applicable state and federal laws and regulations. It is incumbent upon the CLIENT and their representatives to be fully knowledgeable about such laws and regulations and/or seek legal counsel prior to dissemination of reported information. Furthermore, the CLIENT affirms the information requested and/or learned during the investigation is not to be used for harassment, stalking, intimidation, threatening or any other illegal purpose(s).

    IX. Client Misrepresentation. CLIENT attests that he/she has not misrepresented himself, his company, organization or purpose for requesting the services that AGENCY provides. CLIENT understands that misrepresentation in this agreement, in AGENCY’s sole opinion, may result in civil and criminal action against the CLIENT and/or his organization as well as any and all monies paid to be forfeited. AGENCY reserves the right to refuse service to the CLIENT for any issue of security, safety, unlawful, unethical or immoral reasons. CLIENT further represents that the information provided by the AGENCY shall be used in a lawful manner and that said information will not be used to cause any physical or emotional harm upon the subject of the investigation. CLIENT agrees to and shall indemnify and save harmless the AGENCY, it’s employees and agent(s) from damages, losses, cost and expenses, including any attorney or legal fees, suffered/incurred in connection with or arising out of claims based on investigative results provided to CLIENT. This also includes any civil or criminal actions, claims, third party claims, lawsuits, disciplinary actions, or any losses alleged to be caused by the AGENCY resulting from any activity performed by either CLIENT or AGENCY, except for illegal acts or negligence on the part of the AGENCY, investigators and/or its employees.

    X. Confidentiality. All investigative findings furnished to CLIENT are exclusively for CLIENT’S own use. CLIENT agrees to restrict the dissemination of said findings ONLY to third parties who have a legitimate need to know, and/or authorized by law. CLIENT will hold AGENCY harmless from damages, losses, cost or expenses, including attorney fees, suffered or incurred in connection with arising out of claims based on investigative findings provided to CLIENT, and for which CLIENT fails to keep strictly confidential. AGENCY will keep findings strictly confidential and will not disseminate or release any findings to third parties unless authorized IN WRITING by the CLIENT, or court ordered.

    XI. Credit Card Authorization. By CLIENT providing AGENCY with CLIENT’s credit card information, AGENCY is authorized to charge said credit card as AGENCY may deem necessary to pay off any outstanding balances, additional requested services by CLIENT, court appearances, or any appearance requested by any party associated with this investigation. CLIENT further acknowledges that AGENCY fees are based on information, whether negative or positive to CLIENT’s case, along with accrued time and expenses. AGENCY shall be entitled to all invoiced fees regardless of the value of the information developed by AGENCY. CLIENT waives any right to dispute or “chargeback” on any credit card charges made by AGENCY that can be justified with an invoice. CLIENT understands that any dispute of charges can and will be resolved in small claims court and not through the credit card company for the card provided to AGENCY.

    XII. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties to its subject matter and supersedes all prior contemporaneous agreements, representations, and understandings of the Parties. No supplement, modification, or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing by all Parties. 

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto agree to the above terms and have caused this Agreement to be executed in their names by their duly authorized officers.

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    Signed by Richard Wayne
    Signed On: February 14, 2023

    Signature Certificate
    lock iconUnique Document ID: aaa9389bb23b1414ef1bc077ce18661acc9a4f25
    Timestamp Audit
    June 6, 2022 6:04 am CDTBUG SWEEP/TCSM SERVICE CONTRACT Uploaded by Richard Wayne - pi@skyinvestigations.com IP